Muscle Scraper for Tennis Elbow A Treatment to Relieve Pain

Muscle Scraper for Tennis Elbow: A Treatment to Relieve Pain

Struggling with that stubborn tennis elbow, officially known as lateral epicondylitis? It's that pesky pain in your forearm and elbow that weakens your grip, especially tricky if it hits your go-to hand. Maybe you've tried stretching with little luck, but have you given muscle scraping a shot?

This quick guide is all about showing tennis elbow the door, using muscle scraping alongside exercises aimed at fast-tracking your recovery. We're zooming into soft tissue treatment, blending physical and manual therapy techniques, and even sprinkling in some dry needling and eccentric exercises for an all-rounded approach to beating that elbow ache. Ready to get back to your strong, pain-free self?

What Causes Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow isn't just for athletes hitting the court. It turns out, this nagging elbow issue can pop up from plenty of everyday activities. Here's the scoop: those wrist movements you don't think twice about? They all link back to a key tendon that attaches right on the outside of your elbow.

When that tendon gets overworked from too much repeating and forceful wrist action, it starts to wear down. This isn't just a simple soreness; it causes the tendons to break down, pile up with scar tissue, and not function right, leaving you with some serious elbow pain.

Whether it's DIY projects, typing away at your computer, or even some form of exercise, all these actions could lead you down the path to what we know as tennis elbow, or in more scientific terms, lateral epicondylitis.

Essentially, it's a big red flag saying your tendon has had enough of the repetitive strain, marking the start of a soft tissue injury that could lead to chronic issues if not addressed. Keep an eye on those day-to-day tasks that might be straining your elbow more than you realize.

Male tennis player holding his injured elbow.

Male tennis player holding his injured elbow.

What Is Muscle Scraper?

Muscle scrapers may sound old-fashioned, but they're cutting-edge tools used in modern therapy for sore muscles. Here's how they work:

Therapists often scrape your skin to relieve muscle pain or tightness, focusing on the connective tissue around the muscles for healing and pain reduction. The Graston Technique is one approach using stainless steel tools to reach deeper into the tissue and promote recovery.

Similarly, Gua Sha, from traditional Chinese medicine, targets deep tissue issues to improve healing. These techniques do more than relieve pain; they improve mobility and comfort by breaking down scar tissue and easing fascia restrictions, promoting better healing in the body.

Simply put, muscle scraping methods like Graston, Gua Sha, or other IASTM tools are effective hands-on therapies for faster recovery from muscle soreness, playing a crucial role in maintaining health and improving wellbeing.

muscle scraper

Bynatic Muscle Scraper

How Muscle Scraping Works In Tennis Elbow

To help with tennis elbow, physical therapists gently use a smooth-edged muscle scraper over the elbow. This does two important things. First, it breaks down scar tissue.

Second, it boosts blood flow to the area, helping heal chronic injuries naturally.

Why Use This for Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow, known medically as lateral epicondylitis, is when the elbow hurts because the forearm's muscles and tendons are worn out. Here's how muscle scraping can make a difference:

  • Pain Relief: Helps reduce tennis elbow pain by relaxing tight tissues and easing strain.
  • Improved Mobility: Muscle scraping can make elbow movements smoother by breaking down scar tissue that leads to stiffness and pain.
  • Faster Recovery: Adding muscle scraping to your recovery can speed up the healing of your tennis elbow, essential for improving elbow function, particularly for long-term problems.

Muscle scraping is an effective method for relieving pain and stiffness caused by tennis elbow. It works by enhancing blood circulation and repairing scar tissue, which can help reduce symptoms and speed up your return to normal activities.

Benefits of Muscle Scraping for Tennis Elbow

Benefits of Muscle Scraping for Tennis Elbow

How to Scrape For Tennis Elbow

Battling tennis elbow? Scraping might just be your ticket to relief. Rooted in the ancient tradition of gua sha, this method isn't just about skimming the surface. It's a deep dive into rejuvenating your muscles by clearing out those old, clogged-up blood vessels and making way for new, efficient pathways of blood flow.

Think of it as giving your muscles a fresh breath of air, where the new blood helps dissolve that stubborn scar tissue and delivers the healing goodies right where you need them.

Where Should You Scrape?

  • On the Elbow: Zero in on the outside of your elbow. Keep your arm straight to target the area.
  • On the Forearm: Don't forget the back of your forearm. Flex your wrist to stretch those muscles beneath the skin for a more thorough scrape.


A good 30-45 seconds of scraping on both the elbow and forearm should do the trick. But, if you're looking like a strawberry (that's petechiae for you), hold off for a couple of days to avoid bruising. If there's barely any redness, you're clear to make this a daily ritual.


To keep your elbow and wrists from throwing in the towel under pressure, beefing up their strength is crucial. Aim for exercises 3-4 times a week, with a day's break in between to recover.

  • Pronation/Supination Exercises: With a weight in hand, twist your wrist back and forth. Begin with your elbow bent, then straighten it as you get stronger. Try 2-4 sets of 8-12 reps, upping the weight as you progress.
  • Eccentric Wrist Extensions: Rest your forearm on a table, letting your hand and wrist dangle. Lower the weight slowly with your palm down, then lift it back up swiftly. Target 2-4 sets of 8-12 reps, increasing the weight as necessary.
  • Tricep Kickbacks: Lean forward slightly, using your non-working arm for support. Keep your upper arm stable, and extend at the elbow to push the weight back. Work through 2-4 sets of 8-12 reps, gradually increasing the load.
  • Brachioradialis Curls: Keep your elbows close to your body, weights in hand with thumbs pointing upwards. Shoot for 2-4 sets of 8-12 reps, adding more weight as you grow stronger.


Keeping things flexible is just as important as building strength, especially when you're nursing a soft tissue injury back to health. Stretching at least once daily, ideally, post-exercise, to fend off stiffness and maintain smooth moves at the elbow and wrist.

  • Pronation/Supination Stretch: Hold onto a dowel or broomstick, arm stretched out in front. Allow the weight to gently twist your wrist to its furthest points, holding for about 5 seconds. Alternate directions and repeat five times on each side.
  • Wrist Extensor Stretch: Bend your palm towards your forearm and then straighten that elbow as much as you can. Hold this position for a solid 30-45 seconds.

In essence, tackling tennis elbow with scraping is about blending targeted relief with strength and flexibility. Stick to this game plan, and you'll be setting yourself up for a smoother recovery.

golfers elbow treatment

Tennis Elbow Treatment


In conclusion, tackling tennis elbow has become more manageable with the Graston technique treatment, a muscle scraping method praised by many therapists. This effective treatment, dives deep into the tissues, applying just the right amount of pressure to kickstart cellular activity and healing. When paired with physical therapy and specific eccentric exercise, it not only addresses the painful condition but also strengthens the elbow, ensuring long-term health and preventing future issues.

Simply put, combining these treatments offers a comprehensive approach to treating tennis elbow, ensuring your elbow stays straight, strong, and pain-free.

Ready to tackle tennis elbow with a natural, effective approach? Experience the power of muscle scraping for yourself. Click here to explore our range of muscle scrapers and transform your recovery process today!

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